The story starts with Arthur Dent, a seemingly normal man living in a seemingly normal portion of England. One peculiar thing was that the council wants to tear down Arthur's house to make way for a bypass. This did not sit well with Arthur. He proceeded to lie in front of the bulldozer in front of his house. Another peculiar thing, known to almost no one on Earth, was that the world was about to be destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass. Lucky for Arthur, he has a friend, Ford Prefect, who was secretly an Alien all along. Ford is able to safely get them off of Earth moments before it is destroyed. You then follow Arthur and Ford on a series of crazy and seemingly impossible adventures through the galaxy.
Overall, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a fantastic book with many random and exciting tangents to enrich the underlying plot. It is a truly unbelievable set of adventures that obviously sets a precedent for future works of science fiction.
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